M Thomas Brooks

I am Canadian by birth, British by blood and American because I as forced to grow up there when my parents moved me from the Mother Country when I was about 5 years old. Having landed on the shores of Rickmansworth almost four years ago, I now work for a local authority and live in Abbots Langley with my teenage daughter who attends St, Michael's Catholic High School .My blog entries will mostly be a humours look at all that goes on in the local community as seen through the eyes of an American. As I have spend most of my life in the entertainment industry back in the states I will no doubt be commenting on the performing arts and local night life as well.

I am Canadian by birth, British by blood and American because I as forced to grow up there when my parents moved me from the Mother Country when I was about 5 years old. Having landed on the shores of Rickmansworth almost four years ago, I now work for a local authority and live in Abbots Langley with my teenage daughter who attends St, Michael's Catholic High School .My blog entries will mostly be a humours look at all that goes on in the local community as seen through the eyes of an American. As I have spend most of my life in the entertainment industry back in the states I will no doubt be commenting on the performing arts and local night life as well.

Latest articles from M Thomas Brooks

The couple whose ideal home is a public house

Pubs (or for the benefit of my American friends who insist on calling them bars) are private houses that were opened to the public for the purpose of tasting local ales and cider and have been around for as long as Britons have been looking for a cool beverage at the end of a long work day. Pubs have been the focal point of a community and a place to gather since Roman taverns and Anglo-Saxon alehouses and are frequented by individuals who live or work “local” to the pub or because it offered a particular beer/ale and good selection of food.