A group of popular YouTubers who have a combined total of more than 130 million subscribers shot one of their most recent videos near Watford.

The Sidemen, who consist of Watford-born Olajide ‘KSI’ Olatunji, Simon ‘Miniminter’ Minter, Josh ‘Zerkaa’ Bradley, Tobi ‘Tobjizzle’ Brown, Ethan ‘Behzinga’ Payne, Vik ‘Vikkstar123’ Barn, and Harry ‘Wroetoshaw‘ Lewis, recorded parts of a recent ‘Abandoned Challenge’ video near Harefield, with two members of the group nearly using the area as a main part of their content.

Josh Zerkaa Bradley, one seventh of the Sidemen, organised the challenge

Josh 'Zerkaa' Bradley, one-seventh of the Sidemen, organised the challenge

The concept of the video saw the group start off in London before Bradley [Zerkaa], told the rest of the Sidemen that they would be split into three groups of two.

The video was partly shot near Denham (Please note that there is strong language in the video)

The groups, which were made up of Olatunji [KSI] and Barn [Vikkstar123], Minter [Miniminter] and Lewis [Wroetoshaw], and Brown [Tobjizzle] and [Behzinga], each went into a blacked-out car that was driven to a random part of the country.

Brown and Payne enjoying their travels around Bucks

Brown and Payne enjoying their travels around Bucks

Once arriving at the unknown destination, the three groups were not allowed to use their phones in working out where they were, or ask any member of the public to use their own phone, in finding out their location.

Olajide Olatunje [KSI] and Vik Barn [Vikkstar123] were paired up in the video

Olajide Olatunji [KSI] and Vik Barn [Vikkstar123] were paired up in the video

Each YouTuber were also given a list of tasks to complete whilst working out where they had been dropped off.

The Coy Carp in Harefield was were Payne and Brown were dropped off

The Coy Carp in Harefield was where Payne and Brown were dropped off

The winning group was the first to get back to London, whilst completing all of the tasks on the list that they were given.

The location of where Olatunje and Barn were dropped off

The location of where Olatunji and Barn were dropped off

On their list, the group had to tick off tasks such as having a drink in a pub but they could not ask the barperson or punters where they were, buy an apple from a Sainsbury’s, eat some McNuggets from McDonald’s, buy and wear a new outfit each, use five different methods of transport, find something that is orange and film it (no food or drink), buy a birthday cake, make a Tik Tok video on a fan’s account, and find someone or something that has the same name of one of the Sidemen.

The location of where Lewis and Minter were dropped off

The location of where Lewis and Minter were dropped off

In the video, which is on for nearly two hours, the group that were spotted and trekked on the Hertfordshire/Buckinghamshire/London Borough of Hillingdon border, were Brown [Tobjizzle] and Payne [Behzinga].

Ethan Payne [Bezingha] and Tobi Brown [Tobjizzle] were spotted near Denham in Bucks

Ethan Payne [Bezingha] and Tobi Brown [Tobjizzle] were spotted near Denham in Bucks

The two were dropped off at the Coy Carp Pub in Harefield, which is licensed by Three Rivers District Council, whilst Olatunji and Barn arrived at the Cock Inn in Bishop's Stortford, with Minter and Lewis arriving at the Merry Fiddlers in Epping.

In the 36th minute of the video, Zerkaa says: “Ethan and Tobi have gone to Harefield in Uxbridge.

“They had the option of going in two different directions.

Olatunje and Barn discuss how to get back to London when at a train station

Olatunji and Barn discuss how to get back to London when at a train station

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“They could have gone to a place called Denham, which has both an aerodrome so they could have used a helicopter or a private jet, or, they could have taken a train which would have gone to the London terminal.”

A screengrab of Bradleys phone shows that one group were very close to Chesham and Garrards Cross

A screengrab of Bradley's phone shows that one group were very close to Chesham and Gerrards Cross

Minter and Lewis in their new costume which was one of the tasks

Minter and Lewis in their new costume which was one of the tasks

The video, which was shot on the Sidemen’s eighth anniversary (October 19, 2021), was published on YouTube on October 24, and has so far been viewed nearly 15 million times.

Minter and Lewis in a taxi as they try and find their way back to London

Minter and Lewis in a taxi as they try and find their way back to London

Collectively, the Sidemen YouTube channel has accumulated 3.4 billion views.

Minter completes on the tasks by eating an apple

Minter completes one of the tasks by eating an apple

This does not include videos that have been uploaded onto the member’s separate YouTube channels, with the figures being considerably higher.

To watch the video, go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzB2CP1kv4Q.