Watford Observer - Memorials

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Death Notice

Maureen Susan McGovern (née Flint)

Published on 09/02/2024

McGOVERN Maureen Susan (née Flint) Passed away peacefully on Sunday 28th January 2024 aged 72 years. Loving Wife of Michael, Sister of Carol & Janice. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends. The funeral service will take place at West Herts Crematorium on Monday 19th February 2024 at 1:40pm. Family flowers only by request. Donations if desired may be made to Parkinson's UK or Battersea Dogs Home. Donations and enquiries to M.K. Ginder & Sons, 51 High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AA Tel: 01923 269994


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