Spring has become the traditional time for us to freshen up our homes before summer arrives and we spend more time outdoors. A bit of spring cleaning has many benefits that last well into the rest of the year, with more space in your home being freed up and the resulting lack of clutter also making your home a more relaxing place to be. Furthermore, there are many tips and techniques that you can take advantage of to make spring cleaning both more pleasant and more effective. Here are just some!

Use a portable dehumidifier

Highly humid air can encourage the growth of mildew in homes, which in turn can pose various health risks. Very humid air can also encourage clothes moths, fleas, cockroaches, woodlice and dust mites. You can perhaps reduce humidity most effectively and cost-effectively by using a portable dehumidifier - largely because, unlike a wall mounted dehumidifier, it can be easily moved between different rooms of the house. This means that you will not need to buy a different dehumidifier for each room. You could view the collection of dehumidifiers at Dehumidifiers UK  online to begin your search for a good value portable dehumidifier.

Get rid of excess clutter

Many of us have a tendency to buy things which, we later find, we didn't really need. Alternatively, maybe you have some items which once served you well and could serve someone else well, but have long ceased to be useful to you. You could get rid of such items by selling them at car boot sales or through websites like eBay, boxing them up before putting them in the loft or donating them. You should find it much easier to do the rest of the spring cleaning once the excess clutter has gone.

Get help from family and friends

You may be surprised by how much help with spring cleaning your friends and family could give you. It’s all so easy to feel guilty about asking for assistance, but by getting each person to handle a room or two each, working through the clutter for a few hours at a stretch, you’ll greatly reduce any intimidation that you feel about the work that needs to be done. All that you need to do is send an email or Facebook message to a few people, perhaps tempting them with a reward for their hard work such as dinner or a cinema trip!