The April 19 edition of Nostalgia featured a picture of Leavesden Green Primary School from 1954-1955 (reprinted above), sent in by Kelly James from Garston.

Ron Banks has written in with the names of six of those featured in the picture.

He said: “The top row second left is Alun James, third Roy Low, fourth Lionel Tompkins, fifth Derek (Fuz) Foster.

“The bottom row: first left is Micky Marshal and third left in middle is Harvey Harper.”

Do you know any of the players Ron mentions – or, indeed, any of those he doesn’t?


In 1962, a lorry containing a shipment of sweets and chocolate overturned in Rickmansworth, spilling its delicious load all over the tarmac.

The Watford Observer reported: “‘An invasion from Mars’ was what the wags called what happened on Scots Hill early on Tuesday morning.

“A big motor vehicle loaded with sweets and chocolates overturned on the hill, and prominent among the wreckage were thousands of Mars Bars.

“The hill was blocked for more than two hours but the police managed to introduce the single-line traffic in time for the early business rush.

“The vehicle, owned by Messrs Brassington Ltd, Court Crescent, Slough, was driven by Mr Daniel McCarthy of Milton Road, Manor Park.

“As the van ran back it mounted the footpath, struck a retaining wall and tilted. The driver jumped clear before it overturned, scattering its load. He was not hurt.

“While the hill was being cleared, traffic was held up from Croxley Green railway station to the top of the hill, and back to the Rickmansworth station crossroads in the other direction.

“The whole of Rickmansworth’s available police force was engaged in dealing with the accident. This emphasises the need for improving the hill as soon as possible, as suggested by the Chief Constable this week.

“He has named this as one of the most serious traffic hazards in the country and has asked for a dual carriageway to be provided.

“Hardly a day passes without some motorist meeting trouble on the hill.

“The deplorable conditions on Scots Hill have been tolerated for far too long. Recent events prove than an early solution calls for emergency measures.

“Suggestions about taking over Copthorne Road, however unpopular it might be with the residents, is surely worth investigating.

“After all that is what happens when the hill gets blocked.”

Do any Nostalgia readers remember this incident or any other traffic problems in Scots Hill?


Lilian Coulton, nee Jeffries, from Australia has got in touch hoping to find some information about her sister.

She said: “I came across your email address on the internet site for the Watford Observer newspaper.

“I live in Australia and I’m hoping to locate any information on my sister Elizabeth Shepherd (née Jeffries) who lived at 172, Highfield Way, Rickmansworth, back in 1999.

“Her father was Oliver Cecil Jeffries and mother was Mary Bell.

“I haven't been able to find out whether she is still alive or living at this address in Rickmansworth.

“I don’t want to post something in a forum unless I’m doing the right thing, but I really need to try to locate her or her relatives.”

ONLINE TOMORROW: Teenage life in the 1960s - Watford Observer style!


If you have any information about anything mentioned above, or would like to tell us anything else you think our readers may enjoy about Watford’s history, we are always pleased to hear from you. Contact Nostalgia, by clicking here