People living in Kings Langley should be aware of bogus door to door clothes collections taking place in their area, a charity has warned.

Herts Air Ambulance is appealing to members of the public to be vigilant after receiving concerned calls from residents who have reported a blue van driving around collecting charity bags with clothes.

The air ambulance charity which is dedicated to keeping helicopters flying and saving lives at a cost of £130,000 per month said they would like to draw to the attention of their supporters that these collections are in no way connected to Herts Air Ambulance, and they do not collect door to door for recycled clothing and textiles.

In a specific case, a Kings Langley resident contacted the charity after receiving collection bags for the Air Ambulance through her door.

She left a number of bags on her doorstep which were taken and following this she spotted a blue van driving along road which she believed had ‘Herts Air Ambulance’ emblazoned on the side.

The charity doesn’t in fact run a working van nor does it deliver collection bags to homes.

Helena Morgan, head of fundraising at the trust, said: "It is extremely disappointing when we receive information regarding bogus callers.

"All Herts Air Ambulance staff and volunteers carry ID badges, if you get a visit from a person claiming to be a representative of the charity, please do not forget to ask them to show their ID.

"We strongly advise that if you are or have been approached by a bogus collector that you contact the police in the first instance."

She added residents should be aware another charity - The Air Ambulance Service does complete door to door charity collections which is white bags with black and yellow writing and although it is not associated to the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust, they are a legitimate company.

Residents are advised to deposit their unwanted clothing and shoes to Herts Air Ambulance in one of the charity’s Bag it Up ltd recycling banks placed in various locations around the county. Visit for details.

For more information contact the Fundraising Office on 0845 504 0055 or if residents are concerned about any unsolicited charity collection to call Trading Standards on 08454 040 506.