A North Watford eight-year-old is hoping to make it big by releasing her own version of Adele’s theme song from the film Skyfall.

Kassie Bannister, recorded a video for the song, which has been uploaded to the video sharing site YouTube, with the help of her grandfather.

Her mother, Sarah Bannister said: "She has always loved singing and sings all the time, in the shower, on the way to school at the dinner table, she just can't help herself & it can make her very late for things.

"We first noticed the control in her voice at the age of four when she sang "incy wincy spider" in the style of opera.

“It was so controlled you would have thought she was in her 20's, not four."

The Adele song was recorded at Hyperion Sound and Music Studio in Rickmansworth, which is owned by the young singer’s uncle.

Kassie is hoping to get 1,000 views on the Youtube video by Christmas because a friend has promised her a present from Japan if she hits her target.

Ms Bannister added: "Kassie attends choir practice twice a week and sings in a service every Sunday. She also has piano lessons which she loves and her teacher says she’s a natural and so easy to teach.

“She also attends The Pauline Quirke Academy in Hemel Hempstead where she's involved in musical theatre, dance, film and television. She absolutely loves it there and they certainly help the kids to burn off loads of energy.”