The Watford and District Council of Churches has recently considered the Government’s intention shortly to offer Premium Bonds for sale and is of the opinion that, in a country which for well over a century has set its face against any form of State lottery, their introduction is to be deplored.

We find the argument unconvincing that, because the investor does not risk the loss of his capital, the Bonds do not constitute a gamble for, as has recently been stated, the Government says in effect: “Lend us your spare cash free of interest.

"With the interest to which you would normally be entitled, we will run a national lottery and it shall be redistributed in lump sums to the prizewinners on the chance of the draw.”

There is clearly a gamble here and we are of the opinion that, when this has been recognised, it becomes the duty of Christians and all people of goodwill, to withhold support from something which is anti-social and therefore against the best interests of the country.

[Letter to the Watford Observer of October 26, 1956]