Students at Kings Langley Secondary School have been awarded Outstanding for their behaviour following the school's most recent Ofsted inspection.

Overall, the school in Love Lane achieved a Good rating after their inspection on December 16 and 17, but the education watchdog was particular impressed by the behaviour and safety of its students.

The school's report, published Monday, January 19, read: "The school's work in promoting students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development leads to outstanding behaviour. Students are well motivated, respectful of each other and cooperate particularly well in lessons. They do not give up when they find the work is difficult and are very positive about the level challenge and support they receive from their teachers."

The school's leadership and management, quality of teaching, achievement of students and sixth form provision were all awarded Good, but it was noted the school was not yet Outstanding because although its standards and progress in science have improved since the last inspection, they still remain below the expected levels.

The school was also told it could improve its rating by making sure all teachers ensure students in Years 7 to 11 have the opportunity to reach the highest standards in all subjects.

Head teacher Gary Lewis said: "The main thing that has become very apparent with Ofsted inspections is that they've raised the bar on demands they place on schools. Schools that were once classed as Oustanding are now only seen as Good.

"They give you 12 hours notice before an inspection, and we had the call just before the Christmas break after a long fifteen week term. Students and teachers were expected to up their game, and they did exactly that.

"We were very strong in all areas and I was particularly impressed to find we were awarded Outstanding for student behaviour - I got a big kick out of that.

"I was also utterly impressed by the response from parents to the Ofsted questionnaire. Their support helped enormously."

The school celebrated its best ever exam results last year, which are above the national average, with students attaining five or more GCSE passes at grades A* to C. The school is also undergoing a rebuild this year which is proposed to start in February and finish in July 2016.