Children were taught to be "angels instead of monsters" as part of a campaign to encourage safer driving and parking.

Pupils from St John’s CE Nursery and Infant School, in Gills Hill Lane, Radlett, clubbed together to come up with a series of ‘parking pledges’ to keep the roads safe.

Members of the school council have promised to tell their parents to wake up earlier so they are not rushed in the mornings, slow down when driving, not to park on yellow lines and give way for children to safely cross the road.

They are also urging parents not to park on Folly Pathway, between the school gate and Gills Hill, and instead to leave their cars at Philmore Recreation Ground over the road during pick up time.

Alice Aharon, head teacher, said: "Lots of parents are concerned about the parking situation round here so we wanted to do something to engage the children.

"We want it to be a safe place for families to come and drop off and collect their children.

"They were very involved in it and really enjoyed it. I hope it has an impact."

School governor Angela Stephenson organised a special assembly with the help of PCSO Tim Conway, so that the four to seven-year-olds could give their parents tips on driving in a calm and considerate manner.

As part of the ‘Don’t be a Road Monster’ initiative, they were given green stickers of what a road monster to affix to their parents cars.

Luca, four, said: "We want everyone to be safe with their family - the yellow lines are for safety."

Seven-year-old Maddie said: "It might make parking better. I want it to be better as some people beep their horns down the hill and I really don’t like it. Don’t be a road monster, be a road angel."