A teenager from South Oxhey has been chosen as a patron for a charity after taking up singing to help him overcome bullying.

Ryan Wiggins, 14, has Asperger’s and took up singing, along with writing his own songs and playing the guitar. He has gone from strength to strength, attending a number of fundraisers on behalf of the charity.

The Northwood School pupil was announced as a patron for Anna Kennedy Online at the Autism’s Got Talent show at the Mermaid Theatre on Saturday, May 9.

He was chosen after attending a number of fundraising events in the last year and he will now be helping to promote the work of the charity.

He hopes groups and businesses will support him and is hoping for some suggestions on fund-raising ideas.

His mother, Jo, said: "I am over the moon for him. He struggles with social situations. This charity gives him a lifeline. He has a support network.

"It has been great for him. He feels like he has got a family there- like he belongs there.

"He just wants to help out as much as he can with the charity and raise awareness of the work of the charity and put in as much as he has got out.

"At school, he does not really have any friends. It is like two different worlds. You wouldn’t know of his difficulties when he goes on stage and gets the microphone in his hand.

"You would not know about his day-to-day struggles. He just really enjoys it and we are hoping that will continue."

Last year, the 14-year-old performed Adele’s Someone Like You in front of hundreds of people at Autism’s Got Talent.