Police have warned a legal high which has been linked to people collapsing in Essex may be in circulation in Hertfordshire.

Spice is a synthetic cannabis product that is sold in brightly coloured packets.

A man was taken to hospital after he had a seizure in Chelmsford. He is believed to have taken the drug.

Hertfordshire Constabulary said the drug has been linked to people collapsing and becoming unconscious in Essex last month.

Detective Superintendent Paul Maghie, Head of Safeguarding, said: “We have no intelligence to suggest that these sachets are in circulation in Hertfordshire at this time.

“However, we must acknowledge that they could be as Essex is a bordering county – and we have a duty to protect people from harm.

“There is no way of knowing what is in these substances, those who manufacture them do so for profit with no regard for the wellbeing of people who consume them. You are gambling with your life by taking them.”