The decision of the High Court to uphold the Secretary of State’s ruling that the Farm Terrace allotments could be included in the Health Campus development brings to a close a long period of uncertainty over this urgently needed project for the future of Watford.

This High Court’s decision clears the way for the whole site to be developed in the best possible way for the benefit of the whole Watford community. It is a decision which is good for our town and is one we should all welcome.

READ MORE: Watford allotment campaigners lose high court battle to save site

'Uncaring' mayor celebrates closure of allotments

It has always seemed to me that, from a purely practical point of view, retention of the allotments in their current position would have seriously compromised the Health Campus scheme’s potential to provide efficient expansion space for the hospital. It would have also resulted in a more fragmented and less integrated residential layout. Clearing the allotments now allows the full potential of the whole site to be realised.

While as a matter of principle I support the democratic right of allotment holders to pursue every legal avenue open to them to protect their allotments, their refusal to compromise with Watford Council has been disappointing and the bitter personal attacks launched by some of the allotment holders and their supporters have been regrettable.

OPINION: Watford mayor: Court ruling on campus is good news

Watford Council has consistently shown its commitment to providing sufficient allotments to meet the local demand. New allotments have been created, substantial investment has been made in existing allotment sites and the Farm Terrace allotment holders have been offered help with relocation and compensation.

What comes across clearly in reading the latest judgement is the strong sense that the outcome is a fair and balanced one, which takes into account the benefit of the development to the whole community, not just the narrow interests of a small minority.

EDITORIAL COMMENT: A time to move on with Farm Terrace allotments

The penultimate paragraph of the judgement sums it all up: “In my judgment, the Secretary of State was correct to hold that the interference with the rights of the allotment holders was justified and proportionate because of the wider public benefits to be gained by incorporation of the allotments into the scheme. Given the allocation of new allotments nearby, the assistance to relocate, and financial compensation to the allotment holders, I consider that a fair balance has been struck.”

I completely agree.

Peter Jeffree

Capelvere Walk, Watford