For so many, pets are more than just animals or additions to a household. People's pets become their friends, even their family, and so if an animal dies or, more cruelly, is killed, the feelings of loss are akin to any bereavement.

The work of Tony and Boudicca in tracking down this cat killer is more than determined, it is heroic. When you consider that they are doing police work as committed civilians, it is impossible not to be in awe of their steadfastness, all for the sake of bringing comfort and closure to those who have lost.

But we need to also look at why the police are not sufficiently resourced to look into these cases in the detail they deserve; while this is no way invalidates the good work of Tony and Boudicca, their efforts should be supplementary to the system, rather than becoming the sole voices calling for justice.

It is not an easy issue to deal with, as every day more and more violent crimes seem to be cropping up all over the country, and the threat of terror is one that is becoming harder to drown out. However, there should be better resourcing and equipment for our local police so they can join with other forces to track down this monstrous murderer and administer a swift sentence, along with other crimes which directly affect us and our community.

That way, more families who have had to deal with these terrible losses can have some sense of justice and be able to move forward with their lives.