THE call is out to all golfers to join in Watford's annual competition for local golf enthusiasts the Watford Open at West Herts Golf Club.

The date for this year's competition is Saturday, June 15. It is open to all golfers who can meet the handicap criteria a maximum 24 for men and 36 for women. The cost of just £28 includes a light lunch and a wide range of prizes for men and women.

The aim of the tournament is to provide keen golfers, who may find it difficult to enter traditional competitions, the chance to test their game against other enthusiasts. And to enjoy playing at one of Hertfordshire's top golf clubs.

West Herts' General Manager, Mr Clive Dodman, said: "The Watford Open is now established as a very popular event for local golfers. Everyone involved always comments what a great day it is and although the competition to win is fierce the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

"The Open is an important part of the partnership between the Club and Watford Council which works to promote golf to the local community. That is why a special prize is offered by the Open's sponsor Palmers Peugeot of Watford for the best round by a Watford Council Watford Plus holder."

If you are interested in taking part in the Watford Open or want to find out more, contact West Herts Golf Club on 01923 236484.