Owing to press deadlines, I’m writing this on the train on the way back from Liverpool, which has just finished playing host to the Labour Party Conference. I’m returning full of energy and enthusiasm but suffering the “conference cough” everyone seems to have.

You may have seen on the news Labour Leader, Keir Starmer being interrupted by a protestor whilst giving his speech, who appeared out of nowhere and accosted him.

I was remarkably impressed by his reaction to the disruption, which I observed at close quarters. It must have been very frightening for him and could have been so much worse.

It is very tense when you are speaking from that stage. I know, because I did it on Wednesday. One of the issues local residents often raise with me in Watford is their concern about getting their children into a good school. The education system is creaking, and many schools have not got the resources or the staff that they need. So, that’s what I spoke about.

Watford residents like you and me, have endured thirteen years of Rishi Sunak and his Tories. Who can say that they are better off now than they were when the Conservatives got in, and ruined our public services, crashed the economy and landed everyone with a cost-of-living crisis?

Many people who voted Conservative before didn’t expect the unprecedented level of utter chaos that seven Chancellors of the Exchequer and five Prime Ministers has delivered us. Is it any wonder the country is in such a state? This shambles can’t go on. Labour is the party of sound money and decent values.

In Watford, I will deliver the change we need for a better future.

  • Cllr Matt Turmaine is Labour's Parliamentary candidate for Watford