Firstly, may I wish everyone a Happy New Year, despite the loss of our premier nightclub, PRYZM. A friend commented that the venue was a bit like your favourite Doctor Who; you can tell somebody’s age by what incarnation they knew it as.

Watford’s present MP made a great song and dance about how he helped save the venue last year, so it is something of a surprise then that it’s shut. Let’s hope his promises on the hospital similarly don’t rely on a pinch of salt.

As Watford residents begin 2024, we know the cost-of-living crisis is still biting hard. Energy prices are going up again this month, food price inflation is still hitting the weekly shop and thousands will be hit with their fixed rate mortgages ending soon.

There is hope on the horizon in the form of a general election. Even the prime minister has admitted that he can’t drag it out to the bitter end - January 2025. With a mega poll of 10,000 people showing that 61% want one in the first half of the year and Keir Starmer to become prime minister, the question is will Rishi risk it in May, or bottle it?

If he delays, staggering aimlessly on, then the misery continues for us all longer still. He wanted to be judged on his five promises but has broken them all: NHS waiting lists up, the boats still coming, government debt rising, inflation upon inflation, and an economy teetering on the brink of recession.

I was pleased to be in contact with so many residents during last year and I will be redoubling my efforts in the coming months. Things have got to change.

  • Matt Turmaine is Labour's Parliamentary candidate for Watford