A developer has won permission to build 24 new homes on the former site of Watford School of Music.

Kebbell Homes will convert the existing, locally listed main building into eight flats, demolish the coach house and replace it with a pair of semi-detached houses, and build two new buildings containing 14 homes.

Under plans previously approved in June 2008, the coach house would have been retained and converted into two flats while the main house would have had one less flat that the new proposal.

But Kebbell Homes returned to Watford Borough Council's development control committee last night to seek approval for their amended application.

Though committee members voiced their regret that the coach house would be demolished, the plans for the Nascot Wood Road were unanimously supported.

Councillor Steve Rackett said he was dismayed the applicant had returned with a new proposal after a previous plan was approved, describing it as “developer's creep”.

He said: “We say the coach house isn't visible from outside the site but just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it's a building we should not necessarily defend. There's very little difference otherwise in terms of other units.”

Councillor George Derbyshire added: “I do regret the loss of the coach house but the reality is the coach house is not one of the locally listed buildings whereas the main house is. We have got to take that into account.

“The issue is two flats were going to be there and now there will be one pair of semi-detached units.”