CHRISTMAS shoppers should not be lured by tempting offers of extra credit and buy now pay later deals according to Watford Citizens Advice Bureau.

The CAB is warning consumers that the deals may not be as convenient as they seem and could lead to consumers being left with heavy debts in the new year.

Watford CAB manager Dr Shamim Jagot said: "Consumers are often faced with many tempting credit offers at this time of the year.

"CABs nationally have seen consumer debt problems increase by 39 per cent over the last four years.

"Nearly 22 per cent of queries at our Watford CAB during 2000-2001 were on consumer and debt issues.

"Public confusion over borrowing and loopholes in the law allow some lenders to trap people into extortionate credit deals, where interest rates are excessively high."

The CAB has issued some tips for consumers at Christmas to help them avoid the debt traps such as if you are in need of credit shop around for the lowest rates and compare terms.

All the terms and conditions should be read carefully and customers should not be afraid to ask questions if unsure of anything.

Dr Jagot said: "Interest-free credit deals can work to your advantage as long as you pay off the remaining balance by the time the interest-free period expires.

"If you fail to do this you will probably pay very high interest on the full purchase price of the item.

"Many store cards charge high interest rates so if you use them make sure you are able to pay the account at the end of the month and don't be tempted, unless necessary, to buy toys from catalogues as they usually work out more expensive."

He added: "All too often we see how, for many people, high cost credit turns into serious debt. At this time of the year, with the pressure on to spend more, it's all too easy to miss the small print or sign up to deals that you wouldn't normally consider.

"We wanted to take this opportunity to remind people what to look out for when considering taking out credit, so that hopefully they won't be counting the cost of Christmas 2001 for years to come."

For more information contact the Watford Citizens Advice Bureau, St. Mary's Churchyard, High Street, Watford. The CAB is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm and from 10am until 1pm on Tuesdays. There is a dedicated telephone advice service from 1pm until 4pm on Tuesday on 01923 234949.

December 19, 2001 21:30