I realise that you have had several letters concerning the new post office but one has to actually visit it to know how appalling it really is.

For those of you who have not visited the new post office, then treat yourselves to a visit. You will not be bored while waiting in the endless queue as there are many things to admire as you stand there.

If you find the wait too long, you could of course buy some food or drink, and if you get caught short, I think they do also sell toilet paper.

Furthermore, if you suffer from poor circulation and feel the cold, do not despair because this is just the place for you. If they do have air conditioning, they certainly do not use it.

Personally, I think although the temporary post office was not ideal, it was wonderful in comparison to this latest effort.

Judging by the queues in the last two post offices, it would not have taken a genius to work out that what we really needed was a 'real post office', and not this pretence.

Any entrepreneurs out there could make some money by hiring out chairs to people in the queue. They might make enough money to build a real post office just like the one we had several years ago.

Makes you wonder why they got rid of it really!

Maureen Chambers

Chandos Road,
