A roaming peahen which was ruffling feathers among Kings Langley residents has reappeared in the village.

“Annie” the peahen first took up residence in Beechfield Road a couple of weeks ago and angered garden owners with its squawking and plant–eating.

However the bird, which has become a minor celebrity, disappeared last week.

And despite numerous emails and telephone calls from Watford Observer readers describing sightings of the finely coloured blue, green and grey bird, it was not until Tuesday afternoon that she was found.

Annie has decided to make her home in the garden of Mark and Sally Gosling, of Roman Gardens, Kings Langley.

Mrs Gosling, 24, who works as sales advisor for Debenhams, explained: “Annie, or Hetty as we call her, turned up in our garden a few days ago. She doesn’t appear to be confused with the name change – she doesn’t answer to either.

“We first heard about her in the Watford Observer and couldn’t believe it when we opened our back door and found her outside.

“She’s absolutely beautiful and no trouble at all- in fact she now has her own routine. At 8pm she nestles in the tree opposite our house and stays there until 7am.

“She does squawk from time to time, but we get a lot of geese across the road at the canal and she causes the same level of nuisance as they do.”

Despite other residents feeding Annie cooked spaghetti, the Goslings opted to heed advice from local pet store Doolittle’s and feed her birdseed and corn – which, according to Mrs Gosling, has meant Annie has kept away from eating her flowers.

Mr Gosling, 25, a panel beater, said: “We’re really happy to have Hetty staying with us - she’s a member of the family now.

“Sally’s aunt who lives in Milton Keynes, has a peacock called Percy, and we were going to unite the pair, but having spoken to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, they’ve told us it’s best not to move her – that we should let her come and go as she pleases.

“If her owner was to come forward and claim her we would give her up, but in the meantime we’re happy to have her here. We’ve taken her under our wing.”