Plans to introduce a 20mph zone on roads near two schools in central Watford will be discussed next week.

Hertfordshire Highways has carried out a consultation with residents regarding the potential speed limit in an area north of Lammas Road.

This would include Elfrida Road, Tucker Street, Neal Street and Roberts Road.

A feasibility study concluded that speeds were “in a range suitable for a 20mph limit” and concluded any decision to introduce a limit should be based on the safety of school children in the area.

Field Junior School and Field Infant School are both nearby.

During the consultation, some residents expressed concern that new signage would create “street clutter”.

However, they were assured by officers that most signs would be attached to existing “street furniture”.

In total, one formal objection was received.

Members of the Hertfordshire Highways Watford Joint Member Panel will decide whether the scheme should go ahead on Thursday, January 20.