Lessons were cancelled as a Watford school found an international flavour during its 307th birthday celebrations.

More than 500 pupils and teachers swapped their cars for comfortable shoes yesterday (Wednesday) as they took part in a sponsored walk to Watford Grammar School for Girls, in Lady’s Close.

Normal lessons then took place in the morning before students could take part in a host of different activities after lunch, all with an international theme.

These included a staff vs pupil cricket game, creating an African art mural, a Samba workshop, or being in the audience of the student-teacher band.

Meanwhile, everyone was encouraged to wear international-themed clothes for the celebration, which took place the day before the start of the Easter holidays.

The school was hoping to raise £4,000, which will be split between refurbishment plans for its English block and a school building project in Mpunga, Mozambique.

Sue Edwards, head of geography, and deputy headteacher Sylvia Tai will be taking 17 Sixth Formers to the African village this summer where they hope to have a hand in building a new three classroom building their money donations will provide.

Mrs Edwards, walked to work from her home in Chiswell Green, said: “We celebrate the birthday of the school every year. It’s just become bigger and bigger in the last few years.

“The whole day has worked really well. Everybody got into it. Some of the costumes are amazing.

“It’s gone very well. We’re really pleased. If we can reach our target of £4,000, that would be amazing.”