Prime Minister David Cameron has lauded his government’s funding for the Croxley Rail Link and Health Campus as showing support for Watford.

The Conservative made the remarks after visiting the headquarters of the parenting website Netmums in Otterspool Way, Watford, today.

Talking to the Watford Observer Mr Cameron said he supported the rail link and Health Campus projects, which it is hoped will see a regeneration of West Watford.

He said: "I think the government has shown its support for Watford by funding the extension of the Metropolitan Line.

"I think the Health Campus demonstrates how, at a time when we have to make spending cuts, we are increasing spending in the NHS."

In December the Department of Transport approved a multi-million tranche of funding for the rail link which will see the Metropolitan Line extended through the town to Watford Junction.

Then last month the Department of Health earmarked £7m of NHS funds to help build a link road to from the back of the hospital to Dalton Way.

The road is considered a key step to getting the £1bn Health Campus project underway, which will see the Watford General Hospital site redeveloped.

However, the main reason for the Prime Minister’s visit today was to speak with the founders and users of Netmums.

While at the headquarters Mr Cameron was given a tour of the website, which offers tips and advice to parents, by the company’s co-founder Sally Russell.

He then had a discussion with a group of mothers about some of the financial pressures their households are facing.

After the conversation he said: "I think Netmums has great expertise and experience in helping families.

"I met some local mums and had a good conversation about how it helps them with bills as the cost of living is a big issue."

Following the discussion with the Prime Minister one of the mums present Amanda Benbelaid, a 37-year-old mum of two, said she hoped he would take away a valuable insight into some of pressures families are under.

Describing the meeting she said: "It was very pleasant. I did not get the feeling he was faking it, he seemed quite genuine."

Mrs Benbelaid, an employment trainer from Harrow, added that Mr Cameron told the group he had seem some interesting recipes on the website he was hoping to try out when he got home to Downing Street.