Hertfordshire Police Authority has frozen its portion of the Council Tax for the second year running.

The move means the majority of taxpayers in south west Hertfordshire will not see their tax bill increase this year.

Hertfordshire County Council as well as Watford and Hertsmere borough councils have all frozen their shares of the tax bill, with Three Rivers District Council cutting its share.

The move comes as the Government has offered cash incentives to local authorities not to increase tax this year.

Hertfordshire Police Authority, which oversees the county’s force, agreed the freeze yesterday as it discussed the draft Policing Plan for 2012-15. The decision enables the authority to access an additional £2m from central government. This is the second year running the police precept in Hertfordshire has been frozen, meaning band D homeowners pay £2.84 a week towards policing.

Hertfordshire Police Authority receives around 10p in every pound of Council Tax collected in the county.

The county council receives the largest share at around 74p in every pound with borough and district council getting 16p.