I have just had another sight of our leader being grilled by the press; Cameron promising the usual excuse for the fate of the UK debacle, a Referendum on ‘In or Out of Europe’.

But why is it taking three years to let the people give a resounding No to staying in such a European, dictatorial club?

How many times do these people in Westminster not get the message that UK citizens do not want the laws of Brussels forced on this blessed isle?

Who cares what the French premier wants.

Let him deal with his own country’s woes and problems. Then to cap it all someone from the press asked him about his personal life which has no bearing on the case of European politics!

I would like to quote a fact in my own life and compare it to our MPs’ lives.

In my driving school many years ago, we had a dartboard cabinet on the wall.

On the front of the doors were the words, “open this door and you see the main cause of 99 per cent of all road accidents”. So you open the doors and inside was a mirror!

Put such a cabinet on the Commons wall, open it and you will see 100 per cent of this country’s demise over the years. No one else is to blame for the mess that occurs except the MPs who look at themselves in the mirror.

H G Smith, Wroughton, Swindon