Our talk this month was about the history of an every day subject our Alphabet given by David Way.. He told us it started in the Syrian area and was created in the beginning by of all people the Tax Man, so he could keep a record of transactions . Consonants were created first but soon found that vowels were needed . The form of writing affected the shape of letters over the years.King Alfred had a big effect on the development of the alphabet and policies affected language . During the 17th and 18th century was the start of Copperplate writing which of cause has almost disappeared now. David was thanked for his interesting talk by Tony Wittenberg. Our next meeting on Thursday June 5 is a talk "History of the Teddy Bear" by Janis Waldron. We meet at Wulstan Hall Priest Lane Pershore on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm and warmly welcome any one to our meetings.

Edward Hird.