THE June meeting was planned as a garden meeting, but the weather had other ideas.

Two hours before members were due to arrive, the gazebo blew down and it pelted with rain, so members were in Cath Doig’s lounge instead.

After welcoming members and guests, birthday cards were handed out and various forthcoming activities were brought to members attention, including a strawberry tea at Kempsey, a Severn Group Skittles evening and a trip on the Severn in September as part of the NFWI Centenary celebrations.

Then it was time for a bring-and-share supper. As always there was a table laden with a very varied selection of delicious contributions. It was very pleasant to have plenty of opportunity to chat.

Cath was thanked very sincerely for hosting a successful evening, even though it was not quite as envisaged.

On July 8, at 7.30pm, members will be back in the village hall to hear Tessa Holloway talk about Georgian and Victorian workboxes. Visitors are always welcome.

To find out more about the activities, please contact Sue Strang on 01684 593408 or