Plans to build a four-bedroom home in a gap between two houses have been green-lit.

Separate proposals to demolish and replace 48 Bucknalls Lane, Garston, were approved in 2003 and 2009 but, while the demolition went ahead, the time limit for the permission expired without anything going up.

In 2021, a new application to build a four-bedroom two-storey detached house was turned down because designs did not leave much space from the neighbouring properties, and it did not contribute to affordable housing.

In planning documents, the vacant housing plot has been described as “underutilised” and “overgrown”.

Now, after an adjusted planning application for a home of the same size as previously proposed was submitted in 2023, it now appears that the land will be made use of once again.

According to the applicant, the approved plan now offers an “appropriate degree of separation” to prevent a “terracing effect”.

It also promises an “appropriate financial contribution” towards affordable housing would be secured by way of a legal agreement.

The latest proposal was approved by Three Rivers District Council on Tuesday (April 30).