Mobile technology has made it easy to make a phone call when we’re out and about nowadays but it wasn’t so long ago that a telephone box was often the best option for contacting someone.

The Watford Observer has again teamed up with its friends at Watford Museum to look back at structures, objects or businesses from the town’s past that have either disappeared or been relocated and this week we recall one of the telephone boxes that was located in the town.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “From this photo, it's difficult to tell if the phone box is being removed or updated! Either way there is no longer a call box in Langley Road, near to a Lloyds Bank on the corner of St Albans Road.

Watford Observer: The Phonecard box suggests an upgrade may have been in progressThe Phonecard box suggests an upgrade may have been in progress (Image: Bob Nunn/Watford Museum)

“This photo was taken by Bob Nunn in July 1987. He took several of this work in progress and in one, a 'Phonecard' call box is just visible on the pavement so perhaps it was an upgrade?

Watford Observer: A modern-day view of the sceneA modern-day view of the scene (Image: Google Street View)

“Phonecards were introduced in 1981 and I wonder how many people still have one tucked away somewhere?”

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