Plans have gone in to demolish a house and build two new homes in its place.

The proposal, submitted to Dacorum Borough Council yesterday (May 14) would see the Rucklers Lane, Kings Langley, site used for a four bedroom house and a two bedroom house.

The smaller property would replace the demolished two-bedroom building and the larger one would be built in an area of land behind it that is currently partly occupied by garages.

The “backland” falls within the green belt.

A previous plan to knock down the same building and build four homes was rejected by Dacorum Borough Council in July last year after the council said it would be overdevelopment and not in keeping with the area.

However, the applicant said that the new plan “has sought to address any concerns of the previous application scheme”.

This has been done by reducing the number of new homes proposed to “substantially” scale down the development of the land behind the existing home.

The planning application is currently “pending consideration”.

Watford Observer: The development site (outlined).The development site (outlined). (Image: Google Maps/Newsquest)