
LIVE BLOG: Watford planning meeting

Our live feed has now finished.

  • Live coverage from this evening's planning meeting at the council office in Hempstead Road. Coverage begins at 7.30pm.
  • Applications to be discussed tonight:
  • Hemming Way, Watford: Demolition of 10 existing bungalows and erection of 2 three storey blocks comprising 32 one and two bedroom flats and a community garden (amended design)
  • Hempstead Road, Watford: Demolition of existing detached dwelling and the erection of two blocks of flats comprising 3 no. three bed flats and 6 no. two bed flats, with modified access, car parking and landscaping
  • Watford Car Sales, Dome Roundabout: The redevelopment of the existing car sales (or the former petrol filling station) to provide a four storey building with eighteen flats (six affordable) and the associated parking, landscaping and altered access arrangements.
  • 200 and 204 Rickmansworth Road, Watford: Demolish existing office building and workshops at no. 200 Rickmansworth Road and existing Ford dealership at no. 204 Rickmansworth Road and replace with new motor vehicle dealership with showroom, workshop and forecourt for display of vehicles.
  • Mercades-Benz, Colne Bridge Retail Park, Lower High Street: Construction of vehicle parking deck (2 levels) together with associated works including lighting, reconfiguration of existing surface spaces and cycle storage.
  • Rounton, 28 Nascot Wood Road, Watford: Variation of wording of Condition 20 of planning permission ref. 13/00450/OUTM for the erection of up to 20 dwellings, to allow the new vehicular access on Nascot Wood Road to be completed prior to final occupation (and not prior to first occupation) of the development.

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