In last week’s Watford Observer there is a report accompanied by a photoshoot of members of the Watford Liberal Democrats all crowing harmoniously together with their displeasure regarding windowless housing that they describe as chicken coop homes. When the Liberal Democrats were in government between 2010-15 they introduced the GDP015 legislation that has been implemented for several years now. So some poor souls have been feeling the full impact of this legislation for several years.

It’s a bit rich when Councillor Stotesbury says nobody should have to suffer the indignity of living in windowless housing. However, Cllr Stotesbury is oblivious of the fact that people have been living in chicken coop homes for years now.

All the crowing that members of the Watford Liberal Democrats have been making re: windowless homes is too little too late.

Ernie Mackenzie

Gammons Lane, Watford