A recent leaflet circulated by local Conservatives states that they are opposed to high rise developments in Watford and this statement has the full backing of our local MP Dean Russell. If this is true, can the MP confirm in this paper that he will join our mayor Peter Taylor and the elected members of the council in fighting the Tory government’s terrifying requirement that 780 new homes be built each year in this, one of the smallest boroughs in the country? Can he also report to us what has he done so far to have these targets reduced?

Faced with this massive challenge the council has had to decide between two strategic options. Either cover the borough with multiple 6 and 7 storey apartment blocks in residential areas such as Nascot and Park, or concentrate the development in brownfield sites where they can be properly accommodated so protecting the wider residential areas, albeit having to go higher to do so. I have no doubt which is the better approach for our community.

For the record I abstained in the Berkeley Homes decision, because it needed better supporting infrastructure, such as the underfunded bus services our residents must have to move from car usage and for the council to achieve its sustainability targets. Let’s hope the recent Government announcement will at least address this failing.

The Conservatives’ statements in their leaflet are shameless. It is a Conservative government that has trebled Watford’s housing targets to unprecedented levels. It is a Conservative minister who has named and shamed Watford Borough Council for not building enough homes – truly! And as is clear from their leaflet, it’s the local Conservatives who have no idea how they would meet the targets their Westminster colleagues have imposed. Their attack is just cynical opportunism.

Dean, prove me wrong and stand up for Watford by fighting to get these targets lowered, then we will not need 23-storey towers! It's quite simple! I look forward to your response.

Mark Watkin

County councillor, Nascot Park Division