As Harry Potter lined up alongside SpongeBob SquarePants, two Mr Men shuffled past them and into the assembly hall at Holy Rood Catholic Primary School.

Once sitting down in rows according to their classes, pupils dressed as their favourite book characters eagerly awaited the results of the 'best dressed' competition to mark the end of National Book Week at the school in Greenbank Road, Watford.

For the past five days, each class has been studying a different book that accompanies the theme of 'One World'.

Children also took part in library visits, poetry writing and reading challenges, and were visited by author James Campbell on Wednesday.

Rebecca Tregear, assistant headteacher and Year 6 teacher, who led the activity week alongside literacy leader Emma Braud, who has recently celebrated the birth of her daughter, said it was designed to help pupils with their writing skills.

“We're really trying to raise the profile of writing in the school,” she said. “We've just started a scheme called 'Big Writing', which is about working on children's technique and developing flair in writing.”

The school also hosted a book fair each evening, with parents queuing to snap up the latest children's books, before today's competition.

Mrs Tregear said: “It definitely raises standards, especially for the boys who maybe aren't as interested and who want to do more physical activities. It really brings it to life for the reluctant reader. The teachers really enjoy it as well.”