A new chairman was elected to serve Three Rivers District Council at an annual meeting this evening.

Councillor Kemal Butt took over from Chris Whately-Smith, the outgoing chairman for the past year.

Chris Hayward, leader of the Conservative group, said: “It is an honour to nominate councillor Butt to be the chairman of the council.

“We've all come to know that Kemal is a very hard working councillor and has been an outstanding vice-chairman.

“He is well known as very active within his ward who has championed ethnic diversity, and we have no doubt on this side of the chamber that Kemal will be an outstanding chairman.

“Behind every great man is an equally astonishing woman and in the case of Kemal that is no exception.”

Councillor Butt said he looked forward to an enjoyable and busy year.

On the departure of previous chairman Chris Whately-Smith, councillor Sara Bedford said: “Chris has served as a representative of Langleybury since 1999 and has always worked with great care and attention.”

Labour group leader Stephen King added: “Chris has worked tirelessly for Three Rivers and in my book I hold him in high esteem as a councillor.

“I hope you can settle back into a less hectic lifestyle than you've has in the last 12 months”

Councillor Les Mead was elected to vice chairman of the council.