Residents fear their concerns and questions over plans to build 425 homes in Leavesden are not being addressed.

Outline proposals for the homes, on Aerodrome Way, prompted a number of issues that were raised by residents at a Hillside Residents Association meeting.

Developer Bellway Homes bought the 25,000 sq ft site from MEPC in March after outline planning permission for the development had already been granted by Three Rivers District Council.

Plans to build a play area at the Horsefield site adjoining the Leavesden Aerodrome via Southway roundabout have also been put forward separately, however firm plans are not yet in place. 

Dave Smith 55, who lives in Northcotts, Long Elm Close, said: "We raised questions at the meeting and they don’t seem to be being answered.

"I attended that meeting in particular to have my questions answered about these developments, however no one really seems to know what is going on.

"It is really important they listen to residents’ views before making any solid decisions.

"Have they thought about the extra school places they are going to need to provide, despite the lack of schools in Abbots Langley?

"This area is already congested. If there are more people coming into the area to visit the play area, parking facilities need to be thought about."

Norman Hayward, who also lives in Northcotts, said: "I have a grandson who lives behind a school, but can’t go there because there is a lack of school places.

"Plans need to include the building of a new school to facilitate all the extra families.

"There are not enough doctors’ surgeries in the area to facilitate more people coming in and when we expressed our worries, our questions were not answered."

District councillor Chris Whately-Smith, who attended the Hillside Residents Association meeting, said he tried to address resident concerns and the plans for the play area were still at the ‘drawing board’ stage.

Lib Dem Councillor Whately-Smith said: "Plans are still in their early stages 

"Residents still have the opportunity to come forward with concerns over the housing plans, which will be discussed in more depth when there are more details of the plans.”

Julian Kenyon, spokesman for Bellway homes, said: "In the normal course of the planning process we have now lodged a reserved matters application which covers the detail of the site, and considers the layout and design of the proposed homes for the council to consider.

"There are plans to build a play area on the Horsefield site, however outline plans to go forward are still being discussed with the authorities. The play area would be built to facilitate the developments of the homes."

A meeting is being arranged for next month when the detailed plans for the 425 houses will be discussed. Outline plans for the play area on the Horsefield site will be looked at separately.