SIX pillars of the Welwyn Hatfield community face arrest, handcuffs and incarceration today - but they will be helping the work of YMCA Hertfordshire.

The miscreants, including Jonathan Goss, manager of Barclays in Hatfield, and Galleria boss Peter Brooks will be held in custody at Beales Hotel, Comet Way, Hatfield, after their apprehension by the Special Constabulary until they raise at least £500 each bail for the charity.

Mr Goss is alleged to have been negligent in providing staff catering in contravention of the Put The Kettle On While You Are There Act 2010, while Mr Brooks is accused of offences under another little known law, the Shopaholics Anonymous Act of of the same year.

Head of fundraising Michelle Gray said: “We are deeply concerned that these people have committed such heinous offences.

"We are pleased to have the responsibility of capturing and handing out the appropriate punishment and we would like to thank the Special Constabulary and Beales Hotel for helping us to ensure that these villains are removed from the community until such a time that they have paid for their crimes.”

The charity hopes the event will raise in about £5,000 - the amount needed every week to fund its work in the local community. The top fundraiser will be rewarded with an overnight stay at Beales' sister hotel, West Lodge Park in Hadley Wood.