Do you know your “lit” from your “gassed”? Fear not, as a guide has been compiled explaining the 40 most popular slang terms used by youngsters.

To help parents decode exactly what their kids are saying, language experts at Busuu have listed the top terms used in 2021.

Generation Z are those born between 1997 and 2015. This puts the age group of Gen Z'ers in the range of sixe to 24 years old in 2021.

In the language of ‘Gen Z’, “extra” translates as over the top, “flex” means to brag about something, and “Karen” is a middle-aged woman who thinks she is better than others. 

Check out the full list below:

Words and phrases 

Bussin’: Something that’s really good. 

CEO of … : Someone who is the best at something. 

Clutch: It’s good and comes in handy.  

Extra: Being over the top or dramatic. 

Fire: Used to describe something very good. 

Fit: Another word for outfit. 

Finna: The contracted form of “fixing to” and is commonly used in the south of the United States, it means getting ready to do something. 

Flex: To brag about something that is good. 

Gassed: Being overwhelmed and excited. 

Glow up: An incredible transformation. 

Highkey: Someone wants to do something and they want the attention.  

Hits different: Feels special or is great / better.  

Karen: A middle-aged woman who considers herself better than others. This is a pejorative slang term, and can often be about someone who does something racist. 

Lit: Really good. 

Lowkey: Someone secretly wants to do something and they don’t want to be obvious about it. 

No cap: Means “no lie”. Another way of saying “seriously”. 

Period / ‘periodt’: Emphasising the end of a statement. 

Sheesh: To either be impressed or to express disbelief or exasperation. 

Shook: A way to express that you are emotionally shaken or affected by something.  

Simp: Someone who does way too much for a person they like. 

Shade: To publicly denounce or disrespect someone.  

Slay: To describe that someone is doing a great job or that they are really cool. 

Sus: Abbreviated from “suspicious” - it means you do not believe something. 

Tea: Another word for gossip. If someone “spills the tea” that means they are spreading gossip. If someone “sips the tea” that means they are listening to gossip.  

(Passing the) Vibe check: To vibe check someone is to assess them based on how they seem. Passing the vibe check usually means that you’re a cool, chill person, or just the type of person that the person doing the vibe checking is into.  

Yeet: To throw something at high velocity. Yeet is also used as an exclamation of victory or excitement, similar to “yay!” 


AF: As f*ck. The most extreme degree of feeling, either positive or negative. 

DM: Direct message. 

FR: For real. 

IMO: In my opinion. 

IRL: In real life. 

IYKYK: If you know, you know.  

KPC: Keeping parents clueless. 

PAH: Parent at home. 

PAW: Parents are watching. 

PITR: Parents in the room. 

POMS: Parents over my shoulder. 

RN: Right now. 

SMT: Suck my teeth. 

SMH: Shake my head. 

Lead language expert at Busuu, Federico Espinosa, said: “Languages like English are always changing, with younger generations coining new words and phrases every year. Sometimes, these even end up in the dictionary! 

“Older generations might not follow popular culture and social media as much as their younger relatives, which can make it difficult for them to keep up with the new language.  

 “On the flip side, the younger generations of today would struggle to understand the lingo of the 1970s in a similar way – even if they’re familiar with the music, films and television programmes of that decade.