After a long day of eating and drinking to hearts galore on Christmas Day, there's nothing better than venturing out and getting some fresh air on Boxing Day.

Whether it be a quick walk around your local area or a hike through some of the best natural sites that Watford has to offer.

To make sure you know what the best options are for your Boxing Day walk in Watford we've broken them down for you.

Watford Observer: The Ebury Way walk. (TripAdvisor) The Ebury Way walk. (TripAdvisor)

Ebury Way

This tree-lined path has breathtaking views of lakes, parkland, and the Grand Union Canal. 

You'll get to see some wildlife too, with an array of birds known for being in the area. 

The 3.5-mile traffic-free walk is between Watford and Rickmansworth, perfect for walkers and cyclists. 

Grand Union Canal Towpath

This Watford to Hayes walk is a 31.1-kilometer trek where you will get to walk alongside a river and watch wildlife. 

Plus there are loads of bridges with unique architecture as well s pubs and cafes along the trail. 

Abbey Flyer: Watford Junction to Watford North 

This walk comes in at 3.9 kilometers and is perfect for all levels of walking, though primarily used for nature trips and birdwatching. 

Half the walk is through residential areas but follows into woodlands where you can see nature at its best. 

Knutsford and Muden Circular

Just a short drive out of Watford there is the 5.8-kilometer circular walk that features gorgeous beautiful wildflowers. 

Mainly through parks and woodland trails, there are also man-made paths that is suitable for dogs and with very few slopes too.