Many people across Watford are struggling with the ongoing cost of living emergency and rises in interest rates are adding to this. The summer holidays add extra strain as families try to find things to do and stay within a budget. I am pleased that we have a range of free events available which have been very popular in the past.

For the first time in three years, The Big Screen will take place in the Town Centre (July 24 to 30), bringing popular films such as Toy Story, Back to the Future and Paddington 2 to hundreds of residents for free. From July 31 to August 6, The Big Screen will move to Woodside Playing Fields.

The Big Jiveswing Festival celebrates its ten-year anniversary this year on July 30 and is another free event which is always enjoyed by people of all ages. Jiveswing takes place in Cassiobury Park near the bandstand and this year promises to be bigger and better than ever.

Also returning this year from August 12 to 27 is The Big Beach which transforms the parade into a seaside resort, so you can head down and relax in the deckchairs while the kids made sandcastles, all for free.

Topping off our summer Big Events programme is The Big Sport which is taking place on September 9. This event provides sporty activities in the town centre and a chance to find out more about the the opportunities in Watford to keep fit and healthy.

You can find out about all of these at our new and improved events site I hope to see you at as many events as possible.

  • Peter Taylor is the elected Mayor of Watford