Photos of a wide range of shops have again been taken to illustrate the latest theme for our talented photographers, including one to really get your teeth into!.

A picture of a well-known Watford camera shop is among the latest selection of snaps taken of 'My favourite shops', along with the food hall of one of the most famous in the world and the very unusual shop window at the top of this page.

‘My favourite shops’ is the new theme for our camera club members and you can enjoy a selection of those that have been caught on camera so far across these pages

The Watford Observer Camera Club is a Facebook-based group.

It is open to all photographers, from those who snap pictures on their phones to professionals who capture perfect shots with specialist equipment.

Every four weeks usually, members of the camera club are set a new challenge, a theme is selected and then the work starts for our talented photographers.

Search for Watford Observer Camera Club on Facebook. Ask to join the group and we’ll accept you.

In addition to Rhoda Allen's 'get your choppers here' snap, this week’s selection of pictures were taken by:

Margaret Bates

Watford Observer: 'Favourite shop, Windsor''Favourite shop, Windsor'

Anita Crawley

Watford Observer: 'Mother Hubbard, Hemel Hempstead''Mother Hubbard, Hemel Hempstead'

Stephen Danzig

Watford Observer: 'SRS''SRS'

Marjut Liverpool

Watford Observer: 'Cozy sandwich shops of Firenze, Italy''Cozy sandwich shops of Firenze, Italy'

Laurie Macdonald

Watford Observer: 'Coffee shop, Watford High Street''Coffee shop, Watford High Street'

Tracey Phillipps

Watford Observer: 'Dickins off licence in Rickmansworth''Dickins off licence in Rickmansworth'

Robert Stapleton

Watford Observer: 'Canal cafe, lovely hot chocolate''Canal cafe, lovely hot chocolate'

Maria Whitlock

Watford Observer: 'Harrods food hall''Harrods food hall'