Despite the heavy snow over the weekend members of the Abbots Langley Village Moonlighters vowed the "show must go on".

The village’s pantomime society, a drama group based in Henderson Hall, brought traditional fun to residents in their sell out performance of the classic tale, Aladdin.

Visitors enjoy everything you would expect of a panto - from goodies to cheer and baddies to boo, to a man-eating washing machine and a custard pie fight in the show that took place between January 17 and January 19.

Louise Ford, cast member and choreographer was honoured along with her husband Graham for their backstage contribution to this year’s performance.

She said her first pantomime with the Moonlighters had been an "enjoyable experience."

Mrs Ford said: "They certainly aren’t the best dancers, but they are definitely among the most enthusiastic."

"The Moonlighters have been extremely welcoming and I look forward to performing more pantomimes with them in the future."

All proceeds from the performance will be donated to charities. If you are interested in joining the Moonlighters either on or backstage, contact Amanda Bate on 01923 263367.