Residents opposing plans to build a 120 home development in Abbots Langley believe a planning application will be pushed through shortly after the election.

Since plans for the housing development in land off Woodside Road were produced by Taylor Wimpey in September last year, residents who will be affected by the development have been fighting against the plans they deem "inappropriate and not needed".

But despite a petition with more than 350 supporters and meetings with Three Rivers District Council planning inspectors to try to resolve their on-going issues with the plans, residents still believe nothing will stop the development.

Residents are unhappy with a number of aspects of the plans, including the deccision-making process.

In a Three Rivers District Council meeting in November 2014, the site’s Green Belt status was removed, and Paul Johnson, a resident of Orchard Avenue, heard a primary school proposed for the site next to the area owned by Taylor Wimpey and scheduled for housing, would not be going ahead.

Mr Johnson said: "There was no exceptional circumstances to remove the site’s Green Belt status, as Herts County Council do not plan to build the school anytime soon (apparently you can only remove Green Belt Status in exceptional circumstances - schooling being one of these)."

Abbots Langley Councillor Sara Bedford organised the meetings for residents to meet Three Rivers planning officers, but residents were left unsatisfied.

Mr Johnson said: "We had a meeting with the planners but they were no help whatsoever.

"They also sent 5,000 notices out to Three Rivers residents regarding the plans, but only one, as far as we are aware, went to anyone in the close vicinity of Woodside Road.

"What is the point asking people in Mill End and Rickmansworth?

"And Taylor Wimpey has been unwilling to answer questions relating to the site and I believe they will try and push through an application shortly after the election when things with government are all up in the air.

"More people are registering their displeasure of the plans and we will continue to go down every avenue to stop the development going ahead."

Mr Johnson said his and other resident’s next step will be to possibly lodge a complaint about how there was lack of consultation for those close to the proximity of the site.