A clinician who was thought to have Covid-19 coronavirus does not have the virus, an NHS trust says.

East and North Hertfordshire Trust NHS confirmed this morning in a statement that a clinician at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Northwood, had tested positive for coronavirus.

However, the trust has since given an update which says the test is now negative.

A statement on its website reads: "After initial PCR testing by Public Health England, subsequent genomic testing shows that the member of staff from Mount Vernon has now proven to be negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

"Public Health England has just informed us of this latest result.

"This is obviously a source of relief to the individual in question, and also to those members of staff and patients who had been advised to self-isolate and/or undergo testing.

"We are thankful to colleagues at NHS England and Public Health England who have been in close communication with us, both as they tested, and then supported us as we implemented national guidance.

"All staff who have been affected and self-isolating will be contacted and given appropriate advice about next steps.

"Our patients at Mount Vernon will be advised of this information and normal service will resume by Wednesday.

"Based on current evidence, Coronavirus (COVID-19) presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild. Anyone who is concerned about health symptoms is advised to:

"Follow the advice about what to do on the Government’s website at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public."

BBC London reported in its bullutin at 6.30pm this evening in Northwood, via information from Public Health England, that cases of cornonavirus can be "presumed positive and counted as confirmed in order to limit the spread of the disease".

However, there are other confirmed reports of coronavirus in Hertfordshire.

Davenport House Surgery in Harpenden has confirmed that a patient who attended an appointment at the surgery on February 26, has since been diagnosed with COVID-19.

The surgery on Bowers Way said that all other patients who were in the surgery during this time have been contacted.

Peartree Spring Primary School in Stevenage has confirmed that a parent at the school tested positive for COVID-19.

The school will remain open following advice from Public Health England.

There is believed to be at least one more, possibly two cases in the county - but the whereabouts of these are unknown.