It can be hard to stay indoors in a sunny weekend as NHS workers battle the coronavirus outbreak, so let’s think forward and see what our readers are waiting to do once the lockdown and crisis is over.

Current government advice is to stay indoors and save lives, with the exception of essential workers, essential shopping and daily exercise.

The lockdown period is difficult, considering the circumstances and also the restrictions from enjoying day-to-day life.

But once the Covid-19 pandemic is all over, and things can go back to normal, we can all return to our much-loved activities and reunite with friends and family.

Relief that it is over

Peter Swan, a paramedic, said he was looking forward to seeing the “relief on my staff who are working hard to fight this virus within the NHS”.

Laura Griffiths explained how she wants to “remember how tough this situation was, and still do things for others as I am doing now”.

Tara Oldham is also using this as a learning experience.

She said she will: “Remind myself every single day to be grateful for my family and friends and take with me the lessons this virus has taught me.”

Family reunion

Many people are finding it difficult being away from their families and are anticipating wonderful reunions.

A large group of people told the Watford Observer that meeting their parents, children, grandchildren and other family members is their highest priority once the pandemic is over.

Debbie Convery was one of many with that view, as she said she wants to visit her mum in Scotland and “hasn’t seen her for a year as I have been undergoing chemo”.

Mandy Taylor wants to see her mum and other members, while Suzanne Fiordelisi cannot wait to see her parents who live in Scotland.


It may have been easy to take for granted the numerous leisure activities and venues we had available before the lockdown.

Claire Stacey says the normality of having McDonald’s breakfast, visits to the pub and not having to queue for everything is what mainly excites her.

Christine Sheppard says she wants to return to her “little house” in Portugal.

Sarah Bunting-Govier, an independent travel agent said she cannot wait for people to start going on holiday again.

She said: “Me included, and all my clients to get their holiday they’ve been looking forward to.

She added that she also cannot wait to not have to talk though a door when communicating with her mother.

While Colin Douglas is looking forward to the moment he can go to a country pub or watch a match at Vicarage Road.

Many people even said things such as being able to shop without needing deliveries, or a lack of supplies, is something that excites them.

Back to work

During this time, essential workers are continuing their jobs, while others are either working from home or placed on furlough.

While many tend to think of relaxation and a holiday after this is over, some say their career is what they look forward to the most.

Lory Pace said she cannot wait to return to work. She explained: “Can’t wait to work, boring being at home, don’t know how people do it”.

Dale Siberry, likewise, says he is “dreaming” about getting back to work as his top priority.

Let us know if there are any other activities or plans you look forward to once the crisis is over!