One of our most read article online this week was a reader’s letter from last week headlined simply ‘What else can Watford lose?’

Reader Richard Glenister outlined the recent losses, including “a flourishing market, Farm Terrace allotments, sufficient car parking for residents, a properly refurbished hospital, Debenhams, John Lewis, jobs at ASOS and a Premier League club”.

He went on to speculate about what else might go, and sadly did not have to look far. Footballers unlikely to be enthused by a season in the second tier may not be such a great loss, but he also named Watford Borough Council.

Whether you think a single county council is the answer to some of our problems is likely to be down to your political views, but it is true that Watford could still lose more. Shopping centre operator intu is struggling and many smaller businesses are clinging on.

Coronavirus may not be as deadly as the 1918 flu epidemic, but the economic shock it is causing may have hugely damaging effects.

Whatever it may stand to lose, Watford is a great community, and we can limit our losses by helping each other. Donating to charity, volunteering, even choosing to support a local shop rather than going online will help the whole town pull through.

Then when we look back on this, we can look at what we saved rather than what we lost.