Some of the scenes on this page will be instantly recognisable, others maybe less so but they all have Watford in common.

The town is the new monthly theme for our Camera Club, which now has 700 members, and the variety of pictures in this selection gives an indication of the range of ways the talented photographers have chosen to capture Watford.

Members have carte blanche to capture a building, object, location, scene or the town’s people how they wish. The only stipulation is that pictures must have something to do with Watford.

Scroll down the page to enjoy this week's selection.

The Camera Club is a Facebook-based group. It is open to all photographers – from those who snap pictures on their phones, to professionals who capture perfect shots and scenes with specialist equipment.

Every month the camera club is set a new challenge, a theme is selected and then the work starts.

Search for Watford Observer Camera Club on Facebook. Ask to join and we’ll accept you.

In addition to Lynda Bullock's view from intu above, this week’s selection of images are from:

Margaret Bates

Watford Observer:

Sarah Clarke

Watford Observer:

Stephen Danzig

Watford Observer:

Donald McDougall

Watford Observer:

Angela Scott

Watford Observer:

Sue Shrimpton

Watford Observer:

Robert Stapleton

Watford Observer:

Sara White

Watford Observer: