In a lockdown pandemic it makes common sense to halt all campaigning, especially door to door, including leafleting. We live in dangerous times, and we all need to behave responsibly. Political parties need to take a step back and Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.

The message from government clearly states do not leave your home, unless absolutely essential eg for food, medicines etc. I do not think leafleting is ‘essential’. I don’t understand the arguments around delivering leaflets by paid delivery or by volunteers. What difference does it make? It’s still delivering and that has to be wrong in the current Covid climate.

The people who believe they are doing the right thing and keeping people up to date, is a lame excuse to justify getting their election propaganda out their from those who are up for re-election in May. Politicians will do and say anything to justify their cause.

We are all trying to do our bit to keep people safe and here we have the local politicians thinking they are special and exempt from the rules, and may even believe within them they pose no danger to anyone else. This poor judgment is exactly the kind of thing we are up against. How can we keep ourselves safe when our elected politicians are contributing to spreading the virus?

The Lib Dem mayor/group leader needs to suspend/halt all leafleting immediately and be the role models they were elected to be. All leaders need to set the right example.

Dennis Wharton

Independent campaigner, Central Ward