Watford Borough Council has launched a public consultation on a review of its licensing policy.

Under the Licensing Act 2003, the council is responsible for the licensing of alcohol, entertainment and late-night refreshment.

The act has four licensing objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.

The council says it is particularly interested to hear views on the Cumulative Impact Policy and Sensitive Licensing Areas.

The Cumulative Impact Policy, based on reports from police about the number of alcohol-related crimes committed within Watford town centre, aims to discourage alcohol-led premises in town.

Instead, it tries to encourage other types of hospitality like restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues.

Meanwhile, Sensitive Licensing Areas were first introduced in 2013 following concerns about the availability of super-strength alcohol to street drinkers leading to anti-social behaviour.

The council wants to hear back residents, licence holders, schools, and other public authorities about its licensing policy.

Have your say by February 14 here.